Category: Clips

Suck slut training

I’m not offended that you’re not interested in fucking Me. That’s not you. I have power over you, yes, but it’s cock you crave. You...

Blackmailing you

It’s a funny thing, blackmail. Sounds so hot, doesn’t it? Dangerous and sexy at the same time. You crave it. But have you thought about...

My Valentine’s Cuckold

Valentine’s Day, sweetheart! I think I’ll buy some sexy new underwear, maybe a new dress, some sexy new shoes. Spend the evening in a beautiful...

Sissy task #7

I have a brand new sissy task for you girlies! You do enjoy being humiliated by your Mistress and put in your place, don’t you?...

Pay slave loop

Men learn slowly. Horny men like you need to hear something again and again just for it to sink in. So here it is. 12...

Ruined Valentine’s Date

I bet you’ve already made plans for Valentine’s Day. A table booked? I certainly hope so! She has likely already picked out what to wear,...

Mindless tit zombie

Relax. Block out everything else. None of it matters. My tits are all you need. My tits are all there is. All you need to...

A new blackmail task

I promised a complete overhaul of My blackmail assignments, so here is the second installment. You can complete them in any order you like, doesn’t...

Get drunk & relapse

New year, new you? I think not. You’ve done well, but you couldn’t stay away. You couldn’t stop yourself from just having a little look…...