12 real blackmail tasks – 2023 edition
Playing catch up with My famous REAL BLACKMAIL tasks? Here are all 12 from 2023 in a nice, tidy, dangerous bundle for you to enjoy....
Blackmail task February 25
February, the month of love. It warms My ice cold heart. You’re going to complete a rather romantic task for Me this month, it seems...
Blackmail task January 2025
It’s a brand new year but you’re still the same foolish blackmail addict that you always have been and always will be. You’ll never change,...
My unsuspecting blackmail victim
Oh my goodness, do I have a twisted tale to share with you today. My years as a blackmail domme have taught Me many things,...
Blackmail task December 2024
It’s December, and that means it’s time for a fresh new blackmail task! This month, it’s all about pulling you deeper into my control. Some...
Blackmail task October 24
It’s October and time for a brand new blackmail task! These tasks are designed not so much as to humiliate although some will, but to...
Blackmail task July 24
It’s July and time for a brand new blackmail task! These tasks are designed not so much as to humiliate, but to tighten the bonds...
Dangerous blackmail craving
You’re the thrill seeker, aren’t you? That’s why you get off to blackmail porn. The fear, the danger, the potential for utter ruin gets you...
Blackmail task June 24
It’s June and time for a brand new blackmail task! These tasks are designed not so much as to humiliate, but to tighten the bonds...
Begging to be ruined
It would be so easy for me to just turn your whole life upside down. And you actually find yourself wanting that. No, more than wanting...