Tag: blackmail domme

Blackmailed by feet

My sweet size 4 feet in sexy fishnets are here to ruin your life and steal your soul! When they’re so close to your face...

Please, blackmail me!

Let Me hear you say it: “Please blackmail me, Goddess!” You want it badly don’t you? You desire to be owned, controlled and used. It’s...

Pay Me or I tell Her

Do you fools think I don’t see your profiles? Oh, I do. I like to get to know as much as possible about My victims....

Drunk and blackmailed

Drunk and blackmailed, sounds like a bad idea. You should run away. No?  This should be fun.  Join My AVNStars to watch this clip for...

Blackmail obsession

Your blackmail obsession is relentless. It’ll never go away until you turn fantasy into reality. Another clip to add to your huge collection and feed...

4 weeks of blackmail

I released a weekly series: 4 weeks of blackmail. You don’t have to wat for weekly updates, you can get all 6 right here! It’s...

Debt collector

time to pay, boys, and I’m the debt collector of your dreams. I love debt collection day. A day when without a word from Me...