Real blackmail task 8
Too many of you play at blackmail. You think you can hand over fake information and get away with it. You think you can play...
Are you sure you want to be blackmailed?
You boys think you’re smart, but you are not. I see through your bullshit. You don’t fool Me for a second. I know your game....
Blackmail victim
My blackmail clips always sell like hotcakes. My inbox is filled with mail from stupid, horny men sending their info. Sometimes, I’ll go right ahead...
Real blackmail: task 7
Blackmail is such a hot topic for many of you. You idea of danger turns you on. But what happens when the idea of danger...
Not a game anymore
Another treat for My AVN Stars subscribers. Good boys and girls will join them. Little blackmail addicted bitches, ugh. You’re so predictable. Another blackmail clip...
Real blackmail task 6
You like losing control don’t you? I know you want to be blackmailed. When your cock is up your wits are out. So go ahead...
Lockdown escape
I’m not helping you break the rules. Stay home, always. You should be glued to your screen. Boredom is real, but it doesn’t have to...
1 clip away from ruin
You collect blackmail clips. You love stroking your cock thinking about it. You want it, but you always manage to shoot your load before you...
Real blackmail task 5
Come and get it, black mail bitches! You can complete them in any order you like, doesn’t bother Me. This is task 5 and there...
Blackmailed into divorce
I admit I’ve enjoyed toying with you. You’ve made it so easy for Me to get what I want. It’s been effortless bringing you to...