Maybe I should tell her [homewrecker]
Where is she right now? Does she know where you are and what you’re doing? I doubt it. Go ahead and stroke while you can!...
FREE CLIP! No escaping blackmail
I want you to stroke for Me right now. Let me tease you with My fantastic body. I want you all hot and bothered before...
Happily married men don’t buy My clips
It’s quite amusing just how miserable most of your marriages are. I can always tell. Happily married men don’t buy homewrecker clips, happily married men...
Blackmail task – September 2022
It’s that time again! Time for My blackmail bitches to send Me some more incriminating photos! You know how I like to make you provide...
End your marriage, or I will
For some time now you’ve wondered what life would be like if you left your wife and dedicated yourself entirely to serving Me. You wish...
Blackmail: Just send it
Blackmail… your favourite thing. Every time you see or hear the word blackmail it hits you like a lightning bolt. You ache for it so...
Blackmail task – August ’22
It’s been a while since I gave My blackmail bitches a task. I’m not too interested in making you do humiliating things, I’m interested in...
Pay Me or I’ll make your divorce worse
So she finally decided to divorce you, well done for her! Too bad for you. I bet you liked the occasional intimacy, the things she...
You’ve been hacked [blackmail]
Men like you always underestimate Me. That’s a good thing, then you don’t sense the danger until it’s too late. It’s too late for you...
I could ruin your life [blackmail, homewrecker, findom]
Do you ever consider how easy it would be for Me to destroy your life? Does the thought ever cross your tiny, horny mind? I...