Tag: chastity slave

I love locked cocks

Uncomfortable yet? Maybe a little, but it’s going to get worse. I want you to look at Me. Take Me in. Truly worship Me with...

Throb in your cage

Uncomfortable yet? Maybe a little, but it’s going to get worse. I want you to look at Me. Take Me in. Truly worship Me with...

Locktober: Almost there

You’re almost there! I can’t believe it. I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping you chaste and frustrated, I wonder if you enjoyed it as much as...

Locktober bitch tax

Some of you are whinging far too much about being in chastity. You wanted this, you needed this. You know that. But now you want...

Locktober check

How is Locktober going so far? It’s only been a week, how hard could it possibly be? I think I’ll make it harder for you...

Locktober failure tax

Well well well. Why am I not surprised that you couldn’t handle Locktober and failed already? Pay up & listen up, you clearly need a...