12 real blackmail tasks – 2023 edition
Playing catch up with My famous REAL BLACKMAIL tasks? Here are all 12 from 2023 in a nice, tidy, dangerous bundle for you to enjoy....
Scamming you February 25
It’s February, Valentine’s month, and I know what you love most. Being ripped off and humiliated, obviously! And of course, your favourite scam domme is...
Blackmail task February 25
February, the month of love. It warms My ice cold heart. You’re going to complete a rather romantic task for Me this month, it seems...
Cancel your plans & goon
** For maximum mindfuckery be sure to enjoy this in a dark room with headphones on. Watch it on repeat. ** Cancel them, no matter...
Lost in the haze
A reminder that most sites have banned intox content, which I’m sure you already know. But dont worry, booze bitch, Niteflirt doesn’t seem to have...
all about loser debt
Today, we’re going to talk about one of my favourite things, loser debt. Your loser debt. Well, some of you already have loser debt. Some...
The year of submission
Now that January is half way through and most of your resolutions have crumbled it’s time to focus on what’s important: Worshipping Me. I am...
Scamming you January 25
New year, same pathetic you. It’s January, and while most people are setting resolutions to improve themselves, you’re here—ready to be scammed all over again....
Resolution breaker
If you were smart you would stop reading this. If you were serious about quitting then you wouldn’t buy this. If you had any sense...
Blackmail task January 2025
It’s a brand new year but you’re still the same foolish blackmail addict that you always have been and always will be. You’ll never change,...