Relax into loser debt – findom & forced intox
Every time I talk about loser debt you get excited, you want it, but you’re afraid of it. The things that scare you about it...
Give all your money to ME
You and I both love financial domination, so give all your money to Me and make both of us happy. You love dominant, powerful, entitled...
Addicted to findom & manipulation
You’re addicted to findom & My sweet manipulation. You’re a fucked up loser, you need to be drained hard in order to feel pleasure. There’s...
Always wanting more
Whatever you have to give Me, I’ll always want more. It’s only findom if it hurts. Yesterday a boy asked Me “Goddess, how much do...
You live for loser debt
Loser debt is your reason for living. I love loser debt. I love debt collection day. I love updating your spreadsheets and I love adding...
Ruin your life for loser debt
You’ll ruin your life for loser debt and it will all be worth it. You will ruin your life for loser debt. You wanted to...
Debt collector
time to pay, boys, and I’m the debt collector of your dreams. I love debt collection day. A day when without a word from Me...
Forever in debt to Goddess
Way back in 2011 I created ‘Loser Debt.’Recently one of those old, long lost findom addicted piggies has returned to Me and reminded Me how...