Delete your dating apps
It’s come to My attention that you’re on dating apps, oh, how I cackled! What is it you hope to find there, a dominant woman...
Pussy free promise
No pussy for all of 2022? Sounds easy! It’s a new year & a new start, I want you to promise ME something. Promise to...
New year, new you? I doubt it!
Do you really think 2022 is going to be different for you? How? Do you plan to quit porn? Femdom? Findom? Ok, then what? You...
Stroking alone on Christmas eve
You must have a rejection kink. Are you home alone on Christmas eve? Well, who could have predicated that, hahahaha! And surprise surprise, you want...
Jerking to constant rejection
You must have a rejection kink. You might be the most fucked up person I’ve ever met. You approach women knowing they’re going to reject...
Pathetic jerking loser
Oh loser, you really are the most pathetic loser. A loser jerking off to loser signs and bratty girls. You feel like “real” men get...
Proudly pussy free
Yu should be proudly pussy free, lol. You feel like “real” men get tonnes of pussy and you’re a loser for getting none, right? Don’t...
Can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a girlfriend
You can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a girlfriend, you fucking reject! You really can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a...
Next level porn addiction
You never do anything in moderation, your porn addiction is next level! You’ve never been one to do things in moderation and the same is...
Released from chastity for a ruined orgasm
How thoughtful of Me to release you from chastity just for some delicious ruined orgasm JOI. So thoughtful. How would you like to take your...