Can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a girlfriend
You can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a girlfriend, you fucking reject! You really can’t be a cuckold if you can’t get a...
Stroking, sniffing goon bot
Are you ready to have some fun, My stroking, sniffing goon bot? Get a bottle and take a big sniff for Me, good boy, now...
Pussy free until 2022
Pussy free until 2022 sounds like something you can commit to, right? Say it. Say you’ll be pussy free until 2022. Promise Me. I know...
Next level porn addiction
You never do anything in moderation, your porn addiction is next level! You’ve never been one to do things in moderation and the same is...
Celibate stroker for tits
Surrender yourself to your fate, you’re My celibate stroker for tits! You know you’re going to be celibate for the rest of your life right?...
Pussy free pornosexual gooner hypnosis
Little by little I’m going to turn you into a pussy free pornosexual gooner. This file is perfect for single men, virgins and those already...
Virgin locked in chastity forever
Being a virgin locked in chastity might sound fun, but how does forever sound? A sweet innocent virgin, oh my. So pure and untouched. How...
Pussy free
Say goodbye to pussy. You don’t need it, you don’t even want it. Even if you did, you can’t get it, can you? No. Your...