Gooners don’t want lockdown to end
Gooners like you don’t want lockdown to end. You’ve loved it. You don’t have to go to work, you don’t have to go out with...
Pussy free until 2022
Pussy free until 2022 sounds like something you can commit to, right? Say it. Say you’ll be pussy free until 2022. Promise Me. I know...
Celibate stroker for tits
Surrender yourself to your fate, you’re My celibate stroker for tits! You know you’re going to be celibate for the rest of your life right?...
Pussy free pornosexual gooner hypnosis
Little by little I’m going to turn you into a pussy free pornosexual gooner. This file is perfect for single men, virgins and those already...
Cum to the thought of bare tits
Can you cum to the thought of my bare tits? The thought alone? I bet you can, addict! I know how badly you want to...
Avoid rejection stay home and stroke!
It’s for the best if you want to avoid rejection, stay home and stroke for Me like a good little addict. Rejection hurts right? You...
You don’t compare to real men small penis humiliation
You’re such a pathetic jerk junkie. You can’t keep your hands off it, weakling! It’s not like you have an alternative. It’s not like when...
Addicted stroke slut forever
Do you think you’ll have a normal sex life one day? You’re out of your mind. It’s not going to happen for you, it’s impossible....
Involuntary celibate
I can’t imagine what life is like you sexless, rejected losers. I’m an attractive woman, I could have sex with a different man every single...
Why women reject you
I bet you’ve felt different for your entire life. You’re not quite like the other boys, are you? They seem to have it so easy!...